Antoine Et Antoinette [VHS]
You looking to find the "Antoine Et Antoinette [VHS]" Good news! You can purchase Antoine Et Antoinette [VHS] with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Antoine Et Antoinette [VHS] Review
This is an absolutely brilliant, super-romantic film made way back in 1946, mostly shot on Parisian streets and rooftops. It directly inspired the later directors of the French New-Wave (who were about to become critics at the time) to do the same some 12 years later. It is everything that the traditional French Cinema of its time wasn't, not afraid to be a little sloppy in its search for fleeting moments of cinematic magic, and it has plenty of these moments to spare, an almost endless supply of them!What's absolutely unique about the film is the wistful romanticism it maintains and the gentle sense of humor it does it with. It is not a cynical or existential film, but neither does it have any illusions about its romantic outlook: what it shows is the possibility of romance even in dire circumstances when people's personalities are allowed to remain unchanged by money concerns. Antoinette loves Antoine in a way that has little to do with financial concerns & even when he loses the lottery ticket this changes things very little, though Antoine thinks he's no longer 'deserving' for a while.One of the greatest scenes is that of the fight between Antoine & the grocer who's been chasing after his wife (Antoinette) right under his nose! After many scenes, where he has maintained his temper and good-humoredly let the matter slide, he finally realizes that he has to beat some sense into the guy's head by force! Well, the guy turns out to be a tougher opponent than he thought and the fight lasts a long time, with all the neighbors watching! What's great about it is, suddenly the grocer reveals himself to be capable of going as far as murder to protect his petty 'honor' or his last shred of 'pride' when he pulls out a knife to try to stab Antoine! Here the former semi-comic take on the situation suddenly takes an ugly turn toward tragedy showing beautifully Becker's mastery of the precarious balance between tragedy and comedy that creates a realistic film world. The video copy they're selling here doesn't have the sound problems the same company's version of "Rendez-vous in July" has, not until the last 10 seconds of the film anyway, when the music suddenly cuts off! Still, even at the high price, it's worth buying if you can't find a copy to rent in some well-stocked film-buffs' video store, since it's definitely one of the greatest French films ever made. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment CommentMost of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Antoine Et Antoinette [VHS]" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Antoine Et Antoinette [VHS] ...
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