Sobreviviendo Guazapa
You looking to find the "Sobreviviendo Guazapa" Good news! You can purchase Sobreviviendo Guazapa with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $99.99
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- Great drama-adventure, yet brings many laughs.
Product Description
It s the first salvadorean-made movie based on their civil war.Sobreviviendo Guazapa Review
Formulaic to the point of being bad by neglect and lack of imagination. A conflict that was one of the most astonishing examples of human endurance and perseverance is here simply captured in a vignette that is implausible and lacks the artistic quality to make more of it. "Innocent Voices" was at least a better story, in that it made people care for the children caught in the chaos of war. This one on the other hand, is simply too shallow to qualify in the melodramatic genre, and its silly attempt to have a balancing view of the conflict makes it even more anachronistic, because there is no longer a need to look for a middle ground in a conflict between a bunch of thugs pilfering US assistance against an armed rebellion that for the most part kept the moral high ground during the conflict. Don't waste your time. Watch the movies "Innocent Voices," or "Romero" for a more accurate depiction of the conflict, "la Historia de Maria" a depiction of a true hero, and "Salvador" for what Dante's view would have been from the outside of that horrible war.Mediocre, limitada, y sin mayor imaginaci n. Pretende buscar un balance narrando la historia de dos combatientes de ambos bandos en el frente de Guazapa. Si bien es cierto que antes durante la mal llamada guerra fr�a este tipo de mediocridad se justificaba porque era requerido de gente que no quer a dar a conocer su opini�n pol�tica porque ten�a miedo de expresarla, o que simplemente carec an del coraje de tener una, ahora resulta arcaico, desfasado hist ricamente. El conflicto salvadore�o genero instancias de hero smo, de una vitalidad y originalidad que hubieran sido mejor tema que esta vi�eta inveros mil que no tiene nada con que atraer, m s all� de quiz s la curiosidad de conocer el punto de vista art�stico de otro salvadore�o en el conflicto. Pero m s all� de eso, nada o muy poco. "El Norte", aunque no directamente sobre El Salvador describe el suplicio del exilio, "Voces Inocentes," o "Romero" son visiones m s dignas de reconocimiento desde el punto de vista art stico y con respecto a la tem�tica del conflicto; "La Historia de Mar�a" la saga de un h roe de verdad y no ficci n o propaganda, y "Salvador" muy criticada por la forma en que ense a esta perspectiva de lo que all� ocurre, pero por su visi n dantesca por lo menos se perdona en ello sus excesos, una pesadilla en film. Oliver Stone no es conocido por su sutileza, y en "Salvador" se busca un estado de nimo m s que un estudio hist rico. V anla en televisi n y ahorren su dinero.
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