You looking to find the "FLAMENCO GUITAR IN 48 LESSONS" Good news! You can purchase FLAMENCO GUITAR IN 48 LESSONS with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $113.77
Product Description
The Four DVD set of progressive Flamenco Guitar in 48 Lessons for all levels including those who have no notion of the guitar or musical theory yet. The methodology that is being used is the same as used by Jose Manuel Montoya (teacher) in his private classes. The basic techniques that are being studied are applied from the beginning to the most attractive flamenco forms palos; Tangos, Solea, Bulerias and Fandango de Huelva, making the study more enjoyable. The learning methodology is designed to study one lesson per week, and practicing half an hour daily at the beginning of the course and from the third month, one hour a day. Jose Manuel Montoya, leads to apply this same course for years and it is GUARANTEED that by the end of this course, students will reach the level of Flamenco guitar as shown in the following audios, plus a full mastery of the technique. This DVD Set offers tracks in four languages: Spanish, English, Italian, and JapaneseFLAMENCO GUITAR IN 48 LESSONS Review
Finally someone filled the need for a flamenco guitar instructional that starts with the very begginer player. Almost every other flamenco instructional assumes that you have a few years of experience, which in the case of a lot of players, is not the case. Some people just want to learn flamenco without having to learn classical or some other genre first. The dvd does a good job of explaining some musical theory concepts but you will need to supplement this with other instructionals if you are brand new to reading or playing music. This dvd is worth the money that it costs if you are willing to put in the time and effort. It is the closest thing you can get to a real flamenco teacher for most people. As stated before, this dvd does not do an extremely thorough job of teaching music theory basics but it does touch on the most important concepts to get you started. This is only to be expected though as it would be too time consuming and unpractical to try to go extremely indepth in guitar theory as well as flamenco theory. It does strike a good balance though.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "FLAMENCO GUITAR IN 48 LESSONS" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from FLAMENCO GUITAR IN 48 LESSONS ...
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