Principles of Aiki
You looking to find the "Principles of Aiki" Good news! You can purchase Principles of Aiki with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $99.00
Product Feature
- 2 DVD set with 4 hours of instruction
- Volume 1: learn Tenbin Nage (yoke throw), Kote Hineri Ushiro Nage (wrist twist rear throw) in detail, Learn the principles of secondary pressure, changing priorities, common center of gravity, weight dropping, et al. Study Shiho Nage (4 corner throw), Tenkan (turning) in detail. Review examples of the principle of weight dropping, emotional detachment, triangulation.Learn from Don ANGIER on teaching, countering and weight dropping examples
- Volume 2: study Kosa-dori Uchi Irimi Nage (cross grip, inner entering throw), Tsuki Soto Irimi Nage (thrust, outer entering throw), Ude Gatame (arm lock).Understand the principles of attitude & relaxation, relaxation, camming, back pressure & centers of gravity. Experience Aiki Ura Ude Seoinage (aiki rear arm shoulder throw) empty handed and against a knife.
- A classic from the '80s
Product Description
Tired of having haphazard success with your throwing and locking? It may be because you are imitating your teacher's good form without understanding what makes it work. Soke Don ANGIER and Shihan Tony ANNESI take form a step further. Form, Annesi argues, is a way of "tricking" a student into doing something right. It is a classical shape that illustrates an underlying principle. If you don't understand the principle, you'll be locked into a form without meaning. Many aiki students have good form, but produce varying success in their throwing and locking. You may be one of them. By mastering the principles underlying the forms, you can find technical success even when using dramatically different technical forms. Style is less important than principle. The rational West can sometimes explain more clearly what the intuitive East has discovered. Once you know the principles on which a technique is based, you can easily make adjustments in your own methods and see validity in others. Experience a rush of revelation once you master triangulation, back pressure, commutive locking and a dozen others! There has never been another video series like The Principles of Aiki! Totally unique asian martial artistry with western analysis. 4 hours of AWESOME AIKI!Principles of Aiki Review
Sensei Angier is one of the foremost authorities of the samurai arts. His reputation for depth of knowledge and clarity of instruction are vey established. Sadly, however, this seminar isn't the highest quality in production in terms of sound or editing, but the gems that can be gleamed are worth repeated study. This DVD will have almost no value to a novice. Aikidoka would be the obvious learning audience, but anyone who has trained in the martial arts can benefit.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Principles of Aiki" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Principles of Aiki ...
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