Principles of Advanced Budo DVD Set
You looking to find the "Principles of Advanced Budo DVD Set" Good news! You can purchase Principles of Advanced Budo DVD Set with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $99.00
Product Feature
- 3-DVD set with 5 hours of instruction to improve your martial art practice.
- Volume 1: 110-minute DVD that covers the principles Alignment, Allow, Attack Detail, Attitude, Avoiding Direct Conflict, Conforming, Connection, Context, Continuity.
- Volume 2: 100-minute DVD that instructs the principles Control Circularity, Control Vision, Hidden in the Open, In/Yo, Kuzushi Detail, Minimize.
- Volume 3: 85-minute DVD that covers Concudes with the prinicples Prepare, Relax, Sensitivity, Skeletal Locking, Transmutation, Weight Control and also covers Introductory Principles.
Product Description
3-DVD set with 5 hours of instruction to improve your martial art practice. Volume 1: 110-minute DVD that covers the principles Alignment, Allow, Attack Detail, Attitude, Avoiding Direct Conflict, Conforming, Connection, Context, Continuity. Volume 2: 100-minute DVD that instructs the principles Control Circularity, Control Vision, Hidden in the Open, In/Yo, Kuzushi Detail, Minimize. Volume 3: 85-minute DVD that covers Concludes with the principles Prepare, Relax, Sensitivity, Skeletal Locking, Transmutation, Weight Control and also covers Introductory Principles.Principles of Advanced Budo DVD Set Review
Quality video materials to enhance the ability to gain in depth understanding of how techniques of self defense are illustrated and executed are a martial artist's most valuable resource. After over five years of viewing this video set, it continues to be a source of useful information, and is one of the best values in my video library. If you wish to improve you must study with the best and NO ONE is better at presenting the principles underlying effective self defense than Tony Annesi !!!Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Principles of Advanced Budo DVD Set" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Principles of Advanced Budo DVD Set ...
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