Hook N Shoot "Revolution: Special Edition"
You looking to find the "Hook N Shoot "Revolution: Special Edition"" Good news! You can purchase Hook N Shoot "Revolution: Special Edition" with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $118.03
Product Description
Hook N Shoot’s best selling DVD just got better! This all new "Special Edition" release has all new commentary from Hook N Shoot creator Jeff Osborne, along with all new graphics, menus, upcoming DVD previews and more. Relive one of the most monumental fighting events since the inception of the Ultimate Fighting Championship!When Hook N Shoot promoter Jeff Osborne suggested the idea of an all-woman� �s Mixed Martial Arts event, he was met with negative criticism. On April 13, 2002, the critics were instantly silenced with the help of 14 female fighters.
With the world watching, Hook N Shoot became the first promotion in the world to sanction woman’s MMA with the help of the Shooto promotion in Japan.
Spectators who showed up expecting "Foxy Boxing" and "catfighting" were stunned. The woman of MMA proved to be the athletes of tomorrow and delivered the ultimate in real fighting.
Hook N Shoot broke new ground in the sport of MMA once again. The athletes came from around the world and turned the heads of fighting insiders, current fans and future spectators around the world.
Hook N Shoot "Revolution: Special Edition" Review
Riveting! I couldn't believe this DVD was so amazing! One of our dorm mates bought it because she had been boxing lately. She put it on the big screen during finals and by the end of the DVD about 15 of us guys had gathered around yelling as these women fighters go at it. Each fight gets more hardcore. By the end of the DVD there were 15 guys standing around with beers just yelling at the screen. I hope this guy comes out with another installment. The craziest part was some of the girls in the DVD were really hot but damn could they throw down. As a dude who has some fighting skill I would be hesitant to fight the Mexican grappler, the tall Brunette or that Red head at the end. You'll see what I'm talking about!Have fun and warn your neighbors about the yelling and screaming.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Hook N Shoot "Revolution: Special Edition"" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Hook N Shoot "Revolution: Special Edition" ...
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