Biography: Sir Isaac Newton - Gravity of Genius (A&E Archives)
Price: $99.99

Biography: Sir Isaac Newton - Gravity of Genius (A&E Archives) Review
It is not possible to conduct a course in the history of mathematics or science without an in-depth study of the life and work of Isaac Newton. Generally considered to be the greatest scientist of all time, his work in mathematics alone would have placed him in the upper tier of scientific figures. His life largely consisted of two distinct parts, the years where he was withdrawn and unwilling to publish followed by those where he was an icon and readily destroyed his rivals.Given the short amount of time, the coverage in the tape is impressive. While not spending an inordinate amount of time on his personality, the producers of the tape impart a sound sense of what he was like. Arguably the smartest person who has ever lived, he was socially inept and it is rumored that he only laughed once in his life. Despite that genius and his early years of intellectual reclusion, he also proved to be a superb organizer. Many biographers of Newton tend to ignore his work at the royal mint, where he took an inefficient process for producing coins and turned it into a producer of coinage that all had confidence in. That part of his life is covered in this tape, showing Newton to be one of the first modern CEOs. The role that stable coinage played in the industrial revolution is not to be underestimated and Newton is the person most responsible for creating it in Britain.
Like so many great historical figures, there was an inflection point in Newton's life. Being small and sickly, he was bullied in his early years at school. All that changed when he physically stood up to the bully and after that event, threw himself into his schoolwork, rapidly outdistancing all his classmates and even the teachers. His talent was so overwhelming that his professor resigned so that Newton could be given his position.
This tape should be in every academic library and part of the curriculum in all courses in the history of math or science. It presents all sides of Newton, from the reclusive genius who could barely speak to people to the popular, ruthless icon who did not hesitate to destroy his rivals. Published in Mathematics and Computer Education, reprinted with permission. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment Comment
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