The Great Squeeze: surviving the human project (PPR version)
You looking to find the "The Great Squeeze: surviving the human project (PPR version)" Good news! You can purchase The Great Squeeze: surviving the human project (PPR version) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Description
This award-winning film explores our current ecological and economic crisis stemming from our dependence on cheap and abundant energy. Although our actions have lifted our civilization to new heights, it has come at a tremendous price.We are now at a point where humanity's demands for natural resources far exceed the earth's capacity to sustain us. The extraction and the consumption of these resources in the past two centuries have changed our climate and ecosystems so significantly, that a new geological era had to be created.
For some decades now people have been talking about saving the planet, but we are realizing that this is not really the issue. The central issue is civilization itself and whether we can save it. The stresses that we have put on the earth are not only threatening our habitat, but our way of life, our prosperity and even our existence on the planet. Our current paradigm must change. We will have to accept the new reality; the human economy is part of nature and not the other way around. We are faced with great challenges. But unlike the rest of the living world, we have the unique ability to adapt and decide our fate and the fate of most of the biosphere, for better or worse, in order to survive the human project.
Selected at several film festivals around the world, The Great Squeeze features outstanding experts in many fields, such as economist Lester Brown founder of The Earth Policy Institute, Richard Heinberg world renowned Peak Oil expert, Edward O. Wilson legendary biologist, Alexandra Cousteau leading advocate for marine ecosystems, author Howard Kunstler, paleoclimatologist Jim White and many more.
Buying the PPR/academic version DVD gives you and your organization the right to show the film publicly in a non-theatrical setting as many time as you want, as long as no admission is charged. These gatherings are normally found in locations such as schools, libraries, and civic institutions. This DVD contains extended interviews from the experts, lesson plans (prepared by a licensed biology teacher) and other resources for educators, a jpeg file to print a poster of the film (11X17) and the short documentary "GREENING IN THE HEARTLAND".
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.
</p>The Great Squeeze: surviving the human project (PPR version) Review
This video brings to the forefront many of the 'hidden' dimensions of our civilization as it relates to the use of fossil fuels. Our current lifestyles take so much for granted, especially the energy we have available to us, which seems in infinite supply. However, this video helps us take a step back and reexamine the source of all those things which we take for granted, and the impact on our Earth that our entitlements are having. Best of all, this video helps us look at our civilization in a totally new perspective, which is the essential first step in making wise decisions about our environment. The bottom line is this: our outlook as a species has shifted from us being a part of the natural world to the natural world being a part of us and our economy and our civilization. This video urges us to switch back and realize that human society is part of the environment, not the other way around.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "The Great Squeeze: surviving the human project (PPR version)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from The Great Squeeze: surviving the human project (PPR version) ...
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