Thursday, April 14, 2011

Contre Enquete - Jean Dujardin (Counter Investigation)

Contre Enquete - Jean Dujardin (Counter Investigation)

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Contre Enquete - Jean Dujardin (Counter Investigation) Review

One of those too-few procedurals that has an interesting and somewhat original storyline: here the reveal is logical and understated, not some thrown-in and sensational last-second impossibility. And despite the highly emotive and destructive nature of the crime, the performances are measured and affecting. Jean Dujardin continues to prove his versatility, demonstrating nuance and restraint in his portrayal of an ordinary man seeking an unordinary path to retribution. By never becoming theatrical, the actors create a plausible, credible world inhabited by people feeling their way through the tragic events, rather than raging in certainty. There are a few seemingly unavoidable and clich� moments (why is that superiors in crime dramas are ALWAYS saying something like "Okay, you have two more days"? ) but the overall direction clearly worked towards a level of realism. Still, as we watch the story unfold from scene to scene the direction falters in some obvious ways. Most of the shots are blocked in a very familiar, made for TV style, failing to elevate the visual presence to the same level as the narrative's originality. The art direction seems pretty satisfied with the familiar too, but with Paris as the set one might expect something at least as well realized as Branagh's "Wallander" episodes in establishing a predominating sense of mood and place. "Contre Enquete" is still a good, engaging film -- but to be more memorable it needed Melville or Bresson or perhaps even Corbijn in the director's chair.

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